Charlye's 1st birthday is in October, so I've started planning her lil Halloween themed party bash. I've been getting cake ideas, decorations and working on invitations. Farryn notices and is into everything I'm doing and decides its time to start planning her 4th birthday party as well... for January. She tells me for her birthday she wants to have a wedding. (Her favorite movie right now is 27 Dresses) I asked her who she was going to marry and without any hesitation her reply...."DERIN" (she can't say her G's). Now, Gerin is her 13 year old cousin, by marriage. He's a sweet kid and he plays with her alot and is patient with her unlike his older brother Chayce. Thats why he is currently her "favowite". When he's not around she's talking about him non-stop!
This morning as I'm folding laundry here is what I hear as they are playing in her room.
Gerin: "Farryn if you don't let me play with the black scarf I'm going to break up with you."
Farryn: "WHY? You don't wanna marry me? You don't love me no more?"
Gerin: "Well, I was playing with that scarf first and you took that from me, that wasn't very nice! You can have the yellow one but I would like the black one back or I'm gonna call off the wedding."
Farryn then starts bawling her little eyes out as she's runnning to my room. "MAMA!!!! DERIN WONT MARRY ME NO MORE!!!"
Gerin comes out of her room laughing and Farryn runs back in and slams her door behind her. She spent a good 10 minutes in there just crying on her bed. When he went back in to "make up" with her she then told him. "YOU GET OUT NOW! I'LL GET MARRIED ANYWAYS!"
Another 10 minutes later she comes out and yells down the stairs. "Derin? Derin? I sorry I was wude to you! You still like me?" His reply "Of course. You still wanna get married?" Her reply..."No, I'm gonna marry Uncle Todd now! But thank you!" ;) And this is just the beginning....
Oh girl..what are we going to do with her?!?!
A wedding that is funny!!
Yeah, I'm thinking maybe I can slip a little something something for Landon to put in his piggy bank and maybe he can be her groom. ;) Or we'll have to make a trip to Build-a-bear and buy fluffy new "hubby" in a tuxedo for her to kiss at the alter. She has it all planned out too, she thinks our backyard is a perfect setting! :)
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